Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Biomimicry is a discipline that studies nature’s best ideas and then imitates these designs and processes to solve human problems. Studying a leaf to invent a better solar cell is an example of this “innovation inspired by nature.
Scientists is Japan used biomimicry design to quieten the sonic boom that occurs when a high speed trains enters a tunnel by observing the bill of a kingfisher.

Biomimicry--also known as biomimetics, bionics, and bio-inspired design--is practiced by thousands of innovators worldwide. Following in the footsteps of famous biomimics like Leonardo DaVinci, Buckminster Fuller, the Wright Brothers, and George Mistral, today’s biomimics are exploring nature-inspired innovation as a path to more sustainable design. They are learning to grow crops like a prairie, harness energy like a leaf, manufacture tough materials in benign conditions like an abalone, find drug plants like a chimp, compute like a cell, optimize via natural selection, and create material cascades in business like a mature forest.

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